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Notice: This guide is for Domain Broker V1 (available before July 29, 2013).
View the 1.3 Setup Video Here. To upgrade to Domain Broker V1.3, log in to your Themeforest account. If you're looking for the latest version of Domain Broker, check out Domain Broker 2.

Domain Broker Setup Guide using Dreamweaver

If you're either not familiar with HTML or have little experience with web sites, this is the guide for you. We'll cover how to get Domain Broker running from beginning to end. Feel free to skip any sections that are marked as optional.

What's included with your purchase

Included in your download is two versions of the theme. The first version is in the Web Files folder. This version includes everything except the Captcha spam prevention. As a result, this version is a bit easier to install. The second version is in the Web Files with Captcha folder. This version has Captcha spam prevention built in. Which version to choose? Depends on if you have trouble with spam. If you have a good spam filter you'll be safe with the first version.

Preparing to edit the files

First thing, you'll need a good text editor or WYSIWYG tool. I recommend Dreamweaver, since it handles the whole process including uploading seamlessly, and is easy to learn compared to some others. Plus, it works on both Windows and Mac OSX. If paying for Dreamweaver isn't an option, you can pick up Notepad++ for free on Windows or TextWrangler on OSX then upload with FileZilla. This tutorial will focus on editing with Dreamweaver.


a) Setting up a Site

Begin by opening Dreamweaver and setting up the Site by navigating to the Site menu and choosing "New Site". The wizard that pops up will go through all the steps.

  1. Enter your websites name and address then click next.

    Site Dialogue Step 1
  2. Leave as is and click next.
  3. Make sure the "Edit local..." radio button is selected, and browse to where you saved and unzipped Domain Broker on your computer and select either the Web Files or Web Files with Captcha folder (see What's included above if you're not sure which to pick). Then click next. Note: Using Windows 7? There is a bug with selecting the folder. See this page for the workaround.

    Site Dialogue Step 3
  4. Here you'll enter upload information for later. Select "FTP" from the drop down. In the fields that show up, enter the FTP details provided by your website host, then click "Test Connection" to see if the info is correct. If it is, click next. If not, double check and contact your web host about connecting with FTP if it still isn't working. Note that most hosts you will need to enter the "public_html/" as the folder.

    Site Dialogue Step 4
  5. Click "Done"

b) Inserting your domain name

Now that the Site is set up, you'll see a folder in the "Files" panel. You'll be able to open and upload files from here. Expand that folder and open the index.html file by double clicking.

Opening the index file

The site will open on the left, ready to edit. It's as simple as highlighting the text and typing, just like in a word processor. Here are a few places you'll need to edit:
  1. The "Title" text (Shows in the title bar of your browser)
  2. The heading
  3. The price
  4. The copyright (near the bottom)

    Editing the basic info

c) Editing the domain portfolio bar

For this one we'll edit some markup. Switch to "Source" view and find line 31. Each of those 5 lines is one domain in the bar. To add domains, replace the existing placeholders with the URL and Title of the domain. Delete or add lines as necessary.
To remove the bar, delete lines 28 to 37.

Editing the domain bar

d) Adding Your Email

  1. Open sendEmail.php in the "Files" panel.
  2. Replace the existing email with yours
  3. Replace the existing "name" with yours.

Note: It's important to keep the single quotes around the values you enter. Without them it will not work.

Adding your email

e) Adding your Twitter Account

  1. Open the 'js' folder and open customize.js
  2. Scroll to line 50 and enter your Twitter name inside the single quote marks.

Note: You must have at least 1 tweet in your account for this section to work.

If you don't want the twitter section, feel free to delete the following code in the index.html file:

<div class="section" id="twitter">
<a href="" title="Domain Tweets" class="button">Follow me on Twitter</a>
</div><!-- end .section -->


f) Changing the template's width (optional)

If your domain name is long you can increase the width by in the CSS file.
1. Open the "css" folder and open industry.css
2. Scroll to line 86 and edit the width value.

g) Adding reCaptcha keys (applies to Captcha version only)

If you've chosen the "...With Captcha" version, there are a two places you'll need to enter ReCaptcha keys.

  1. Go to and sign up by clicking "USE reCAPTCHA ON YOUR SITE"
  2. Enter your domain in the field, and click the "Create Key" button
  3. Copy the Public Key. Open index.php and go to line 58 (this may be different for you, confirm by checking out the screen below). Then paste your public key inbetween the quotes.

    reCaptcha Public Key

  4. Go back to the reCaptcha website and copy the Private Key. Open sendEmail.php and paste your Private Key inbetween the quotes on line 4

    reCaptcha Private Key


Now you're ready to upload to the web! In the files panel, select all the files inside your site folder and click the "Put File(s)" button.


Now browse to your domain and check it out!

If it's not appearing check a couple things:

  1. That the "Host directory" folder is set up correctly. You can find this by going to the Site menu, then "Manage Sites..." then select your site and click "Edit". Go to the "Advanced" tab and click on "Remote Info". This is where your FTP connection info is. Make sure the "Host directory" folder is correct. For most web hosts, this will be public_html or httpdocs.
  2. If you just barely registered your domain, wait around 12-24 hours before attempting to connect. Domain names take some time to propogate.


Thanks again for purchasing Domain Broker! I hope you've found this tutorial helpful. If anything isn't clear be sure to email me at .

Derek Loewen

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